Why Colonoscopies Are Important for Preventive Health

If you’re searching for ways to keep yourself healthy and living well, a colonoscopy and other preventative techniques with Dr. David Chua, Dr. Rajeev Nayar, and Dr. Afreen Hyder at Summit Digestive & Liver Disease Specialists in Park Ridge, Oakbrook Terrace, and Chicago, IL, are a good place to start. 

Understanding the Importance of Colonoscopies for Preventative Health 

 Typically, colonoscopies are thought of as a strictly diagnostic tool, as they are used to find the underlying cause of many digestive issues. However, you don’t have to – nor should you – wait until something is going wrong to have a colonoscopy, as they are vital in preventative care. Learn more about why and when you should schedule yours in the guide below from Dr. Chua, Dr. Nayar, and Dr. Hyder at Summit Digestive & Liver Disease Specialists in Park Ridge, Oakbrook Terrace, and Chicago, IL.

The Preventative Role of Colonoscopies

 Preventative colonoscopies are performed in the same basic manner as a diagnostic one. A thin, flexible tube with a camera and light is utilized to see inside the large intestine. 

You may understand why this procedure is important when you have a current problem. Are you aware, though, that it can play a role in preventing problems, including cancer? 

Colon cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths. Colonoscopies can be utilized to find cancerous polyps and remove them before the cancer has a chance to spread. It can also help detect other abnormal tissues. In short, it can literally save your life and prevent a great deal of suffering. 

When Should I Begin Preventative Colonoscopies? 

 For most people, it is recommended to have your first by the age of 45 and once every 10 years after that. However, some people may need one sooner or more often. This includes those with a family history of colon cancer, conditions like ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease, or symptoms that indicate cancer may be present. Your GI doctor can recommend the best timeline according to your needs. 

Schedule your preventative colonoscopy with Dr. Chua, Dr. Nayar, Dr. Hyder, and the team at Summit Digestive & Liver Disease Specialists in Park Ridge, Oakbrook Terrace, and Chicago, IL. Call (630) 889-9889 to schedule an appointment at any of our six convenient locations.